As a student goes through high school, even from freshman year, they start to dream and envision graduation. For the class of 2013, that long awaited moment finally came. On Thursday, May 30 the seniors made their way down the aisles of the Chaifetz Arena and were granted the time they had been waiting for. “It made me feel so accomplished and proud,” said graduate Ma’Riah Jonson. “One of the major puzzle pieces of my life is now complete.” The ceremony included speeches from class president Allie Hines, solitarian Ursula Monoghan, and valedictorians Sam Polzin, Ethan Farber, Anna Soifer, and Daniel Politte. Principal Maclin and Superintendent Pruitt also made speeches reflecting on how far the students had come since freshman year, the pride they should all take in graduating, and the immense talent the class has. “U. City has done me so well these past four years,” said graduate Asia Garrison. “I will always remember: once a lion, always a lion.”
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