Publications staffs take home awards
Christine Politte, junior and Web Editor of, excitedly displays her All Missouri award at the SSP Journalism Conference.
April 30, 2015
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Members of the U. City newspaper and yearbook staffs attended the annual Sponsors of School Publications (SSP) journalism conference at Webster University on March 9 and the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) Journalism Day at the University of Missouri-Columbia on April 8. They received the following awards:
2014-15 MIPA State Journalism Awards
Ratings: All Missouri, Superior, Excellent, Honorable Mention
Overall Publications Awards
U-Times Online— All Missouri (Christine Politte, web editor)
U-Times Newspaper: Excellent (Alice Mutrux and Lily Lewis-Stump, co-editors)
Dial Yearbook—2014: Superior (Reneise White, editor-in-chief, 2013-14)
All Missouri Awards
Newspaper Individual—Feature Story: Johanna Hill
Newspaper Individual—News Story: Christine Politte
Yearbook Individual—Theme/Concept Copy: Emily Looby (editor-in-chief)
Yearbook Individual—Sports Design: Emily Looby (editor-in-chief)
Yearbook Individual—Sports Design: Emily Looby (editor-in-chief)
Excellent Newspaper Awards
News Story: Christine Politte
Feature Story: Christine Politte
Double Page Design: Christine Politte, Hannah Fuller and Johanna Hill
Single Page Design: Francene Bethune
Feature Story: Alice Mutrux
Feature Story: Johanna Hill
News Story: Francene Bethune
Sports Writing: Francene Bethune
Sports Writing: Lily Lewis-Stump x2
Honorable Mention Newspaper Awards
Feature Story: Brooklyn Bass
Double-Page Design: Christine Politte, Hannah Fuller and Johanna Hill
Superior Yearbook Awards
Academic Reporting: Kayanna Wymbs
Excellent Yearbook Awards
Sports Reporting: Keira Duncan
Student Life Reporting: Keira Duncan
Honorable Mention Yearbook Awards
Overall Theme/Concept: Emily Looby
Organization Design: Emily Looby and Marvin Bullard
Student Life Design: Emily Looby and Kayla Holmes
Student Life Design: Marvin Bullard and Sloan Marion
Superior Diversity Awareness Awards
Individual Newspaper: Christine Politte
Individual Newspaper: Payton Bass
Individual Newspaper: Alice Mutrux
Individual Newspaper: Staff Editorial
Individual Yearbook: Raven Bullard
Individual Yearbook: Joshua Thomas
Excellent Diversity Awareness Awards
Individual Newspaper: Payton Bass
Individual Newspaper: Brooklyn Bass
Honorable Mention Diversity Awareness Awards
Individual Newspaper: Christine Politte
Excellent Photo Journalism Awards
Personality/Portrait: Payton Bass
Organization Photo: Sloan Marion
Sports Action Photo: Kayanna Wymbs
Sports Action Photo: Taneya Parker
Honorable Mention Photo Journalism Awards
Creative and Artistic: Johanna Hill (x2)
Personality Portrait: Johanna Hill
Sports Action Photo: D’Lija Brown:
Sports Action Photo: Kayanna Wymbs
Sports Action Photo: Taneya Parker
Academic Photo: Porcia Rhodes
News Photo: Payton Bass
SSP Awards
2014-15 Newspaper
Overall Newspaper: Honorable Mention (Alice Mutrux and Lily Lewis, co-editors)
Doubletruck Design: Superior (Christine Politte, Hannah Fuller and Johanna Hill)
News Story: Excellent (Brooklyn Bass)
News Story: Honorable Mention (Johanna Hill)
News Story: Honorable Mention (Christine Politte)
News-Feature Story: Excellent (Payton Bass)
News-Feature Story: Best of Show (Christine Politte)
Sports News Story: Honorable Mention (Lily Lewis)
Feature Photo: Honorable Mention (Payton Bass)
News Photo: Honorable Mention (Johanna Hill)
News Photo: Honorable Mention (Francene Bethune)
2014-15 Online Newspaper
Overall Online: Excellent (Christine Politte, web editor)
2013-14 Yearbook
Overall Yearbook: Excellent (Reneise White, editor-in-chief)
2014-15 Yearbook Individual Awards
Feature Copy: Honorable Mention (Keira Duncan)
Sports Design: Excellent (Emily Looby)
Sports Design: Honorable Mention (Emily Looby-2)
Student Life Design: Honorable Mention (Emily Looby and Kayla Holmes)
Feature Photo: Excellent (Sloan Marion)
Sports Photo: Honorable Mention (Taneya Parker)