Chillin’ Out
May 12, 2017
On one of the hottest days in May, 396 students were invited to to cool off with free snow cones and outside activities to celebrate their attendance rate of 93% or higher for the 2016-2017 school year. Students headed out to the football stadium around 1:40. Some immediately lined up at the Kona Ice truck while others played kickball on the field.
According to Christine Woodward, social worker, the daily attendance rates were slowly dropping and administration suggested that offering incentives to students would help solve the problem. Students also have been signing attendance contracts.
Throughout the year, students with perfect attendance or improving attendance have to received gifts that range from $5 gift cards to Starbucks to smart TVs. In fact, earlier in the school year, freshman Jonathon Fletcher won a 32’ inch Rokos Smart TV for perfect attendance.
“When I won the TV, I was so excited,” Fletcher said. “I wanted to be on time every day after that.”
Woodward isn’t positive the incentives have improved attendance.
“Although I’m not sure if students are coming to school on time more now, I do feel like students are at least trying to,” Woodward said.
Photos by: Rhyan Haynes