Healthy diet and exercise require balance
“Eat clean. A lot of people do the Paleo diet: no processed food, no dairy or grain or wheat except whole wheat.”
January 7, 2016
For senior Jillian Pritchard, a healthy meal consists of pasta with meat sauce, vegetables, chicken and milk. Senior Briana Hudson prefers baked chicken with corn, greens and a roll to satisfy her healthy cravings. However, both of them agree that “a balanced meal” defines healthy eating.
Healthy eating definitely requires having balanced meals. But what a balanced meal looks like is just as controversial as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Students perceive nutritious meals differently.
“Because there are so many different cultures among us, diets are bound to be different, just as we have different opinions based on our upbringing,” Kayanna Wymbs, senior, said.
USDA, the organization responsible for developing and executing federal government policy on agriculture and food, has developed an outline of what exactly a balanced diet should encompass.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products are healthy choices, according to the USDA at They also recommend including protein foods such as poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and lean meats.
“The best thing to eat is chicken and turkey, but stay away from red meat,” Toriano Johnson, senior, said.
As far as exercise is concerned, the USDA prescribes “each young person to get the equivalent of at least 60 minutes or more of aerobic activity each day that is at least moderate intensity.”
Following the USDA diet and exercise guidelines will help everyone “stay at a healthy weight.”
“To maintain my weight I make sure to always stay active,” Anisa Reynolds, senior, said. “If I find myself eating too many sugary things, I’ll try to blend some vegetables in somewhere.”
To maintain her weight, Mia Hick-Thomas, senior, has her own way of keeping fitting and feeling good.
”I work out every day, eat twice a day,” said Hicks-Thomas.