Think fast! It’s Monday and parent/teacher conferences are later this week, waiting to creep up on you. Your grades are fair besides that D in Trig and most of your teachers will have good things to say with the exception of that one class that your best friend is in. How do you fix these last minute problems and avoid being stuck in while your friends are partying Friday night?
Monday: Rekindle the good relationship that you used to have with your teachers. Greet your teachers upon entering the classroom. Try sitting forward and away from temptations/ distractions. Pay attention (to the teacher) for a change.
Tuesday: Build your grade. Yes, you do need to continue paying attention in class, but today look at your current grade. Turn in missing homework and retake tests (if your teacher will allow it) until your grade begins to skyrocket.
Wednesday: Butter up your parents. Do what makes your parents happy. Babysit your siblings, cook dinner, or even (gulp) do more than just your chores.
Thursday/Friday: Go to conferences. After three days of hard work there is nothing more that you can do to make this conference better.
*Note: This may work just this once, but it won’t always work. From now on, keep your grades up and continue to pay attention in all of your classes.